FiF #84

28 January 2011

It's that time again.

  First the SOOC shot.

Fix-It Friday #84

And here's my fix:
I applied a levels adjustment and cropped the photo,  smoothed the skin a bit and attempted to remove/reduce the red areas from the face, sharpened and lightened/brightened the eyes and under-eye circles. I added another layer and filled with color #f4c774 then blended with soft light, added a mask to this layer and used a gray brush to reduce the effect where I thought it was "too much."
This may be objectionable, but I used the liquify tool on the mouth to turn up the corners and on the eyes just to open them a bit more.  Last, I merged all layers into one, duplicated it and applied the Multiply blending mode, then reduced the opacity and added a mask to adjust areas where I thought the effect was still too strong.


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