FiF #83

23 January 2011

 I've realized that I have a problem when the photo is not a closeup of a person.  I have no clear idea of what to do or where to go with the photo.  I obviously need more practice with this, but I get the feeling that this will never get any easier for me.  That said, here's this weeks challenge and my effort.

First the SOOC shot:
Fix-It Friday #83
by Angie Arthur Photography

and now my attempt:
I cropped the image and applied levels adjustment to boost the colors.  Then I used the Pixel Bender (plug-in for PS) on the Oil Painting setting.  I also applied an orange-ish texture and a grunge overlay frame.  I'm sorry that I can't give credits for the texture/frame.  I got these a long, long time ago when I first started learning and neglected to label them.  :(  Anyhow, I think the subject of the photo got a bit lost in all the color.  If you click on the picture, it will take you to a slightly larger version.  Constructive criticism is welcome.  Thanks for looking. 


danette said...

I really like this edit.

Deborah said...

Wow ... love the crop, and the color pop! I enjoy doing these for the practice myself, and I know some can definitely be a bit more challenging, but I find that it really does help when it comes to editing my own images! You have a great week! :)

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