Fix-It Friday #86

12 February 2011

OK, I decided to stray from my usual and try some blending modes along with different crops. I'll try to list the steps taken a bit later, but I'm sort of pressed for time now, so here we go.  We'll start with the SOOC shot:

Fix-It Friday #86
photographer: Rachel Durik from Savor Photography

And my edits.

#1 Normal edits with skin smoothing, eye enhancements, reducing dark circles, etc.

#2.  Created with the help of Deelo's Pencil Sketch action on Adobe Exchange, and Pioneer Woman's action set #1, Vintage setting.  I'll try to add links later. ADDED!

#3  Same sketch as above placed on layer over photo and blended with luminosity setting.

#4 Same technique as in #3 only with Darkened blend mode.

I usually try to spend more time working on/refining after I figure out what I'm going to do.  Unfortunately, I used up all my time playing/experimenting with blend modes.  Please feel free to leave any constructive criticism. I want to improve and learn!


Krista Lund said...

those sketches are cool!

Anonymous said...

Very different! Love it.

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