In over my head and out of my league

04 December 2010

BUT, I love practicing anyway.  I missed the Everyday Elements challenge over the Thanksgiving holiday, but Amanda's post on Facebook led me to fix-it Friday. Fix-It Friday is a weekly event where everyone edits the same photo in their own way and links their edit back to the blog page. If you'd like to participate, just click the icon below for more details.

This photo is from I Heart Faces blog in the Fix-it-Friday Category.  My edits are in the photo on the right.
Anyone may participate in this challenge with any photo editing program; just click on the link!

Edits include a levels adjustment, crop, neutralized the blue overcast, sharpened the eyes, darkened her eyebrows a bit, lightened under eye circles, removed purple fringing around the coat, and brightened the catch lights in her eyes.


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