FiF #85

05 February 2011

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pic.  I love the baby's expression, the two little teeth, the overall happy feeling of the photo.  It makes me smile. 

The red was challenging for me, but I think I was able to handle it this time without leaving the pic feeling a bit on the cold side.  Skin tones/color is/has been an issue for me.

What do you think?  Hit or miss?  Too light?  Not enough contrast?  Constructive criticism/suggestions always welcome.

OK, let's start with the SOOC shot:

Fix-It Friday #85
© 2011 Julie Rivera Photography

and here's my fix:

Started with a small crop, then levels adjustment, then Gaussian blur to smooth face
a tiny bit.  Selective sharpening using High Pass filter and layer mask.  Adjusted
skin tones a bit more with Photo Filter + layer mask and  Hue Saturation and layer
mask.  Merged results, then made copy of merged result and blended using screen
.  Added layer mask to screen mode layer, filled with black, then painted over
layer mask with white in the eye area to lighten eyes.  Also dodged/burned eyes
using a 50 percent gray fill layer set to Soft Light Blending mode.  
I color sampled
the eyes and used a lighter brown shade to paint over the red color beside the
catch-lights.  To do this, I painted on a separate layer, used the color
blend mode, and adjusted the opacity.  

Next, I merged the layers, copied the merged result, and pasted it in a New File.
I used JHP-Free PhotoShop Action on the Everyday Boost Vintage
setting.  Then, I merged layers, copied the result, went back to my first edit, and
pasted it on the top layer.  I lowered the opacity until I thought it looked good,
added another levels adjustment to increase the dark levels, and that's where I

Except for one more crop:


Krista Lund said...

great job!

Deborah said...

Excellent!! Love how you sharpened it up, and her eyes just pop! Great job on that crop, as well! :)

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